

Calendula Orange

30 seeds. A must in every garden. Attracting bees, beneficial insects and providing vibrant colour. Leaves are edible and can used as plant medicine for making creams and balms.

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Calendula officinalis

A must have flower in every garden. Growing to 50 cm tall, it will keep flowering for a long time if you deadhead the old flower heads.


Calendula attracts bees, hoverflies and other beneficial insects making it an excellent companion plant.

It is edible and can be added to salads or as a decoration for birthday cakes.

The petals can be dried and infused in oil to make Calendula oil.

Growing Conditions

Calendula prefers a cooler climate and does best in the winter.

Sow seeds into pots in late summer and early autumn. Prick out into bigger pots until 4-6 leaves have formed and then plant out at 30cm spacing in your vegetable garden.

Once established Calendula will self seed and come up throughout the garden. You can pot these seedlings up to move to other parts of the garden or give away to family and friends.

Nurture Earth Seeds

Collected from plants grown organically in our home garden using biological methods.

Heirloom. Open-pollinated. Non GMO. Chemical free.

Check out more seeds in our collection.


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