Compost and Healthy Soil Masterclass


Saturday 19th September – 1.30pm – 4.30pm.
$45 includes afternoon tea.

Join Bridget and Laura Scully for this inspirational garden workshop where you will learn about the methods and techniques they have used successfully to grow gardens that pump out healthy and strong gardens.

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Compost and Healthy Soil Masterclass

The Compost and Healthy Soil masterclass is for those who would like to learn how to create lush, edible gardens using natural methods like composting and liquid feeding. Composting doesn’t need to be hard. Bridget and Laura Scully will take you through the methods and techniques they have used successfully to grow gardens that pump out healthy plants that stand strong against pest and disease. Soil health is the most important part of your edible garden and it is easy to get it right once you know the basic principles and have someone show you the ropes.

This workshop will cover;
-Practical demonstration of making a Bio-intensive compost
-What you need to make great compost and how to source materials
-Worm farming
-The bokashi bucket composting system
-Making your own liquid fertilisers
-Growing cover crops for compost

This workshop is suitable for absolute beginners or those who need a refresher on key skills. Bring your gloves and a willingness to get your hands dirty!

The tutors…

Bridget Scully has been practising Permaculture for 10 years having ‘caught the bug’ while training first under Nathan Foote while studying Sustainable Horticulture and Permaculture Design. This was followed by a live-in experience with the Koanga Institute where she spent 8 months developing their seed gardens and it was here that she completed her PDC (Permaculture Design Certificate). Since then, Bridget has set up countless permaculture gardens from scratch and helped many others to design and create their own Permaculture Paradise. This year, Bridget and her family took over guardianship of a 1/2 acre urban property in Gisborne which they are developing sustainably using Permaculture Design and an alliance with Nature.

Laura Scully completed her PDC in 2015 through the year long course offered by Plenty Permaculture. During this time Laura was living off-grid and able to implement her teachings by creating abundant gardens from scratch with the help of chickens. While currently working as a house painter, Lauras real passion is in organics and growing her own food. She loves to share her love of creating quality soil through composting and reducing her footprint by re-using waste in the household back into the garden.

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