Introduction to Permaculture Workshop


20th September – 9.30am-4pm
$90 includes morning tea, afternoon tea and refreshments.
Please bring a plate for shared lunch.

Join Bridget and Laura Scully for this practical and dynamic Permaculture workshop. Permaculture is a design science with its heart placed in the Ethics of Care of the Earth, Fare Share/Care of Future and Care of People. This Introduction to Permaculture workshop is suitable for those wishing to understand more about what Permaculture is, so that they can design their gardens and property in a way that is sustainable for the earth and for themselves.

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Introduction to Permaculture

This Introduction to Permaculture workshop is suitable for those wishing to understand more about what Permaculture is so that they can design their gardens and  property in a way that is sustainable for the earth and for themselves.

In this 1 day workshop Bridget and Laura Scully will introduce the Essence of Permaculture and include some theory and practical teachings in the following;

-Permaculture Ethics
-Permaculture Principles
-Site Analysis
-Permaculture Zoning as a way to design space
-Elements and their Functions
-Scale of Permanence
-Using chickens in an urban Permaculture system

This workshop will take place on recently purchased property that is being designed from scratch. Participants will be able to see first hand how a Permaculture Design takes place and how it can be applied in an urban setting.

Participants are encouraged to bring along maps of their own property so that they can apply the teachings to their own property and get feedback and support on the day.

20th September
$90 includes morning and afternoon tea.
Please bring a plate for shared lunch.

“Permaculture offers positive solutions to the problems facing the world; using ecology for the basis of studying, designing and implementing enduring, functional, sustainable, and integrated systems that support human settlements and natural ecosystems. Permaculture covers food production, housing, technology, community development and legal and financial systems to achieve those aims”. Bill Mollison – Permaculture 2: Practical Design for Town and Country in Permanent Agriculture.

The tutors…

Bridget Scully has been practising Permaculture for 10 years having ‘caught the bug’ while training first under Nathan Foote while studying Sustainable Horticulture and Permaculture Design. This was followed by a live-in experience with the Koanga Institute where she spent 8 months developing their seed gardens and it was here that she completed her PDC (Permaculture Design Certificate). Since then, Bridget has set up countless permaculture gardens from scratch and helped many others to design and create their own Permaculture Paradise. This year, Bridget and her family took over guardianship of a 1/2 acre urban property in Gisborne which they are developing sustainably using Permaculture Design and an alliance with Nature.

Laura Scully completed her PDC in 2015 through the year long course offered by Plenty Permaculture. During this time Laura was living off-grid and able to implement her teachings by creating abundant gardens from scratch with the help of chickens. Currently working as a house painter, Laura is super passionate about living an organic lifestyle, growing and harvesting her own food and reducing household waste by making compost and recycling kitchen waste back into the garden.

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